Tuesday 7 June 2011

If anyone reading this just so happens to have a degree in English would you mind rating this in the comments please? My English exam is tomorrow and I just want to have a general idea as to how I'm doing...

It was my first time away from my home and my family...

It  was my first time away from my home and my family, I did not know where I was or how I got there, all I knew was that I did not want to be there. It was a cold, damp, dark room and as I found out when I attempted to stand up, it was a small room too. As my head spun from the rather swift knock, I sat down.

It did not bother me that I was in this small, cold, dark, damp room, what bothered me was the fact I was alone. Being alone in the physical sense is one thing but being alone mentally is another...

The emptiness was swelling inside of me. Had it been the case that I too was expanding at such a vast rate then I would not have fit inside the confined space I was in. It felt like a dark hole was lodged in my stomach and the longer it lived, the bigger it grew, the more internal happiness was swallowed into it's depth. It felt like hatrid only empty. This "black hole"seemed to be missing something in order to be complete. It was not a "full" emotion, as such, it was what seemed to be half an emotion

I did not feel physical pain, this pain was inside, as if there was nothing there. It scared me that I could be in so much pain yet not actually hurt. I thought that it may have been that my heart was broken but considering that I did not know where I was or how I got there, that theory quickly evaporated.

I wished this pain would evaporate as fast as my theory did but it wouldn't budge and it had no intention of moving anywhere fast.

I waited in that room a little longer, not moving, still hurting, before I knew it I had fallen asleep and when I woke up the "black hole" that was stuck between my ribs and my stomach was gone but only for a moment. When it returned it swept over me, almost like it was trying to drown me. It seemed to be doing a pretty good job. I felt warm tears sting me eyes, I blinked and suddenly I was crying hysterically. At that moment, all I wanted was to go home, to get out of wherever I was and to go home.

When I stopped crying I heard the echo of footsteps, they were coming closer and something told me this person knew I was there. I held my breath and closed my eyes. The footsteps stopped a short distance away and I could sense this person was crawling towards me due to the height restrictions. Once they reached me they didn't move for a while but when they did, it was short, sharp and fast. When I felt the searing pain in my neck, I knew it was over.

and that m'lovelies is the only essay I will ever post on this, I just need someone to read it and rate it, pretty please?


Sunday 22 May 2011

I Really Don't Know Why I'm Posting This

If I actually had something remotely interesting to post about then I might actually post more.
I'll probably post more after the Junior Cert just because with study and all that.
I might post some of my English pieces now that I think of it, granted I'll post the OK ones, not the shite ones because they're shite...
I have a good one about a guy that dies but that's "inspired" by a picture.
This is ridiculous, I might as well post the answers to maths papers...
anyway, post later

Friday 22 April 2011

Gonna Introduce Myself...

if you're reading this then I've probably forced you to.
Anyway, I'm absolutely useless at first impressions so here we go...
I'm Éimear (that's pronounced "eee-mer") but most people call me Cabbage, no I don't know why but if it floats yer boat then you can call me Cabbage too :L
Single (unsurprisingly), 15, Irish, Music, My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Rise Against and YouMeAtSix, sadly I love photography, "emo" music and skinny jeans so i look like a fake most of the time
I have 4 best-friends that i see nearly everyday <3
Rise Against probably saved my life, as fake as that may sound it's never been more true...
I hate religion, I hate religious fanatics and i hate homophobic people,
hate is not a word I use lightly